Monday, November 4, 2013

Who threw the party?

Welcome back botany lovers! Another week is in the dust, and the time has come to brief you all on the update of Atlantis.

This week was an especially unique week because a food pellet was added to Atlantis on Friday, October 25th. This added a boost to the micro organisms hiding in the plant foliage. It draws them out to feed.

When I observed on October 31, the first thing I did was observe where the pellet was added. The pellet food had organisms all around it. However, the most notable features were hiding inside of the food pellet. I could see the pellet moving back and forth and I knew something was inside. I kept adjusting my microscope to try and see it, but no such luck. I began to wait to see if the organism would come out. Then, low and behold I could see through the pellet food to see that a large clear worm was eating the food. It was gigantic. It expanded the entire length of the pellet. That was when I realized there wasn't one worm but two! They were eating on opposite sides of the pellet, but coming towards each other. I wondered what would happen when they met. Would they fight to the death? Would they share each others food? Would they become best friends and go on a date? Was I thinking way too far into it? Yes, yes I was. When they met, they immediately retreated back to their respective sides and ate else where. All that watching and waiting for nothing. Worms are dumb. Pretty cool, but dumb.

After the worms, I decided to stroll through the rest of the micro world. I wanted to see if things had changed since the last time I left it. As soon as I got to the foliage, I realized that Atlantis had changed a lot more than I had expected, and not for the better. There was what looked like a light yellow sludge all over the moss's foliage, and a lot of the foliage color looked washed out. There were more spots of sludge in the open space, too. It was like these organisms threw a party and forgot to clean up before I got home. But, all in all, the organisms seemed happy in their filth.

Next week I'll have more pictures up of the now dirtied Atlantis. But, until next time, I'm Hunter Herrin and as my blog says, I love botany. Deuces.

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